NexusIntel: Background screening and business intelligence searches


Conflicts of Interest shows its ugly head in criminal offences, like corruption and fraud.   This is why proactive conflict of Interest management and due diligence in all organisations – public or private – has not only been a key component in global Anti-Bribery Management Systems but also prescribed.


NexusIntel™ is a web-based application that provides a graphical user interface to conduct background screening and business intelligence searches (such as KYC information, vetting of individuals for recruitment, vendors for procurement purposes, PEP screening, bank account verifications, ID verifications with photos directly from the population register, etc); and a host of other possible searches designed to assist verifiers and investigators in preliminary investigations. Our partners(s) hosts fully POPIA compliant database sources.

Our state-of-the-art dashboard is built for verifiers and investigators, to access a magnitude of reports immediately, with live screens.

NexusIntel™ is targeted for any combined assurance professionals (ie Risk, Forensics, Audit, Ethics, Compliance etc). We are in the middle of social media comms with the phrase –

Compliance. Made. Easy.

When we engage new clients, we provide free demonstrations, and relevant POPI compliance training and POPI Compliance Manuals.

Please find below a (safe) link to our NexusIntel™ information folder (introductory video and info graph).
