Topic: “Cooking the books- How to spot the chef, the cook and the cleaners, a global perspective by Simon Platt.”

Lifestyle analysis March 2019

Presenter: Ms Jacqui-Lyn McIntyre-Louw Lifestyle analysis (audits) have become a much-debated topic in South Africa since September 2018.  This session will provide attendees with the background, theory and purpose of Lifestyle audits whilst discussing the legal...
Topic: “Cooking the books- How to spot the chef, the cook and the cleaners, a global perspective by Simon Platt.”

Corruption and the law – due diligence

Presenters:  MMs Fairial Bindeman and Ms Annalise Olivier Corruption and the law – discussions about various legislation that impacts the management of this risk (this include UKBA/changes to PRECCA and FCPA). We looked at how we manage this risk in an organisation...
Topic: “Cooking the books- How to spot the chef, the cook and the cleaners, a global perspective by Simon Platt.”

Investigations in data-heavy industries

7 to 9 February 2018 Fraud hits businesses hard. And the bad news is that the number of fraud cases is rising. The pressure is on for companies to find effective solutions and tackle fraud in a smarter way. Huge opportunity for using data in investigations in...