Cybersecurity framework

Source: US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US published a cybersecurity framework. The framework does not introduce new standards or views but rather integrates industry-leading cybersecurity practices that have been developed by organisations like NIST and the International Standardization Organization (ISO).

The framework is the result of collaborative discussions with more than 3,000 security professionals and contains a risk-based set of guidelines that can assist organisations identify, implement and improve cybersecurity practices and create a common language for internal and external communication of cybersecurity issues.The framework envisions effective cyber security as a dynamic, continuous circle of response to both threats and solutions.

The framework provides an assessment tool that enables organizations to determine their current cybersecurity capabilities, set individual goals and targets and establish a plan for improving and maintaining cybersecurity programs.

The Cybersecurity Framework can be viewed below.